vendredi 5 avril 2024 à 16h36
par Tahib

Logo de Tahib

I’m Tahib . I live in Portugal right now. I sought assylum in 2022 may. Then asked for asylum but was rejected from cnda around june 2023. Then I moved to Portugal and started life & job here with Portugal rules. During the time in France I have no criminal record or no any fine. So, within two months I’m going for biometric in Portugal, but main problem is SIS. `
Is it possible to come my name in SIS just for asylum. And if yes, then how can I remove it and can you assist me on that.
Merci de vos réponses


5 avril 2024 à 16h41

yes, they ( French authority) probably put your name in SIS and it will stay for five years at least if they don’t forget to put it out. No way possible to remove before that.

Go and read in CNIL website to learn more.

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